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Admin & Commands

Siirry alas

Admin & Commands Empty Admin & Commands

Viesti kirjoittaja Vieraili Ke Heinä 24, 2013 1:55 pm

Basic Commands

sm_addban basebans rcon <time> <steamid> [reason] Adds a Steam ID to Source's ban list.

sm_admin adminmenu admin Displays the admin menu.

sm_ban basebans ban <#userid|name> <minutes|0> [reason] Bans a client.

sm_banip basebans ban <ip|#userid|name> <time> [reason] Adds an IP address to Source's ban list.

sm_cancelvote basecommands vote Cancels any vote in progress.

sm_kick basecommands kick <#userid|name> [reason] Kicks a player.

sm_map basecommands map <map> Changes the current map.

sm_unban basebans unban <steamid|ip> Unbans a Steam ID or an IP.

sm_who basecommands admin [#userid|name] Lists all users and their access rights, or a specific user's access rights.

Extended Commands

sm_beacon funcommands slay <target> Adds a ring around each target, making them easily visible.

sm_burn funcommands slay <target> [time] Sets the target(s) on fire for the specified amount of time.

sm_chat basechat chat <message> Sends a say-chat message to all admins.

sm_csay basechat chat <message> Sends a centered message to all players.

sm_gag basecomm chat <target> Prevents the target(s) from using messagemode/say chat.

sm_hsay basechat chat <message> Sends a message to all players via a center-bottom hint box.

sm_msay basechat chat <message> Sends a message as a menu panel.

sm_mute basecomm chat <target> Prevents the target(s) from using voice chat.

sm_psay basechat chat <target> <message> Sends a private chat message to a single target.

sm_rename playercommands slay <#userid|name> Changes the name of a player.

sm_say basechat chat <message> Sends a say-chat message to all players.

sm_silence basecomm chat <target> Performs both a gag and mute on the target(s).

sm_slap playercommands slay <target> [damage] "Slaps" a player, emitting a noise and throwing them in a random direction.

sm_slay playercommands slay <target> Kills a player.

sm_tsay basechat chat <message> Sends a top-left message to all players. If no color is specified, the text will be white. Colors available are: white, red, green, blue, yellow, purple, cyan, orange, pink, olive, lime, violet, lightblue.

sm_ungag basecomm chat <target> Allows the target(s) to use messagemode/say chat again.

sm_unmute basecomm chat <target> Allows the target(s) to use voice chat again.

sm_unsilence basecomm chat <target> Perfoms both an ungag and unmute on the target(s).

Vote Commands

sm_vote basevotes vote <question> [answer1] [answer2] [answer3] ... Starts an arbitrary vote with the given arguments as answers.

sm_voteban basevotes vote, ban <target> [reason] Starts a vote to ban a single player for thirty minutes.

sm_voteburn funvotes vote, slay <target> Starts a vote to burn a single player.

sm_votegravity funvotes vote <amount> [amount2] [amount3] ... Initiates a vote to change the value of sv_gravity.

sm_votekick basevotes vote, kick <target> [reason] Starts a vote to kick a single player.

sm_votemap basevotes vote, map <map> [map2] [map3] ... Starts a vote to change the map.

sm_voteslay funvotes vote, slay <target> Starts a vote to slay a single player.


Takaisin alkuun Siirry alas

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